An exceptional coach can identify the rhythms of the world and communicate them to a team through analogy. They can put things into perspective that inspire others by being a captivating storyteller. A good storyteller is empathetic, where they understand and share the feelings of others. When a coach knows the pulse of the team, coaching staff, and community, they can share stories that win the heart. Their state of self-awareness enables them to relate. They can see what others are experiencing and put a voice to it. When a storyteller delivers their message, they’re able to plug into the energy of a room. It’s like entering into the zone, where they find a cadence with words and movement. A state of flow is achieved and they magically intertwine one theme to the next. A compelling coach is also vulnerable. They tell the truth and are real with the audience. They don’t hide behind the false self, which makes them relatable and loved. The captivating storyteller brings the human spirit to life.
A special thank you to Jennifer Hess of Jennifer Leigh Photography LLC for the awesome photograph showcased above. Jennifer has taken pictures for our football team for a number of years and has captured many rememberable moments.
Good words
Thanks Sheila!
Great writing! Love the part about being vulnerable. Vulnerability is sometimes scary but, people learn from an authentic person.
I love reading your stuff coach Colbert keep it up you inspired me to keep pushing myself
Thank you Akers! Im proud of you.
You are absolutely right about the vulnerability part! Being authentic with others is key when you’re trying to build a solid relationship. Great Words!
It is the vulnerability that creates relatability. Much in the way comedians relate to their audience. They connect to the human experience.
Awesome post! I think the main takeaway is that the only lasting motivation is the one within us. Whenever we do something just because we’re told so, with no inner desire, it’s just a matter of time until we give up. Do what feels the best for you and your future self!
Can we as coaches sustain the flame or will it eventually fade without the self-drive? Another topic for another day.