Every organization must have well-articulated Mission and Vision Statements. These statements are touchstones for all stakeholders. They identify the ultimate goal for the overall community and create an ideal scenario for everyone to move towards. Considering the big things while completing the small ones ensures the team is heading in the right direction (Alvin Toffler, Futurist). Great leaders have an awareness of the overall picture. They must operate from a 10,000 ft view while their teammates are on the ground. This high vantage point allows them to direct and maintain the grand vision and mission. Great leaders understand the nuances of the functional space and are well-versed in multiple disciplines. This comes with practice and experience.
You’ve got to think about the big things while you’re doing small things so that all of the small things go in the right direction.
Alvin Toffler, Futurist
Form Direction for the Organization
When outlining the mission, vision, and core values, professional experience plays a significant role. Leaders must know what is needed and what the professional landscape is to create a powerful movement. They must accurately forecast where momentum is headed. With this knowledge in hand, they can communicate the needs of an organization to collaborators who also contribute significant input to the mission, vision, and core values.
What is Your Why?
- Why does your school exist?
- Why does your team exist?
- Why does your business exist?
- Why does your family exist?
Powerful questions that are at the heart of successful leadership. To outline an actionable mission, vision, and core values, you must know the why of the operation. The primary reason schools exist is to educate students and help them become highly influential members of society. Teams come in many shapes and forms that operate for different reasons. They are typically a subset of a larger community supporting it. Businesses exist to help solve problems and provide services or goods that benefit people. Families serve the deep meaning of us all. They are the support system that nourishes us on a micro and macro level.
Main Talking Points
- Every organization must have well-articulated Mission and Vision Statements.
- Great leaders have an awareness of the overall picture.
- “You’ve got to think about the big things while doing small things so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Learn more about Alivin Toffler and his legacy.
- When outlining the mission, vision, and core values, professional experience plays a significant role.
- Powerful questions that are at the heart of successful leadership.
- Leaders Create Powerful Mission & Vision Statements
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