Empowering Growth with Actionable Resources
Youniversally, we all have a deep desire to expand and learn more. Leaders utilize this craving to help others discover their innate abilities. They do this by giving ownership of tasks and equipping their team for success. Great school principals rely on department heads to design curriculums that impact students. They provide data and research-based protocols that will allow teachers to design an effective plan. Great coaches assign leaders within the team and provide them with leadership training. Leaders only give a person a boat with a paddle. They set their team’s course and provide solid instruction to increase the chance of success. There is a purposeful effort to empower growth with actionable resources.
Giving Support & Resources for Idea Generation and Prototyping
Great leaders empower people. They create an innovative culture by providing their team members with development opportunities in the form of support & resources. Leaders pinpoint useful material that feeds the growth of others.
- Books
- Articles
- Blogs
- Virtual classes
- Clinics
- etc.
- Anything that improves performance through implementation.
When team members are supported, they feel encouraged to take action. The creative spirit awakens, and ideas begin to pore out.
Coaching Clinics
Glazier Clinic was the first professional clinic I attended. My Head Coach provided his staff a chance to attend the yearly meeting of coaches in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was an opportunity to immerse myself in the culture of football. It allowed me to meet the professionals in their element. I was able to see what great coaching looked like. These men took their craft seriously and made a continual effort to develop. From young twenty-somethings like me to old grey-haired veterans with seasoned raspy voices, coaches came from everywhere.
Idea Generation & Prototyping
With the proper resources and support, idea generation and prototyping are birthed. When team members are supported, they feel encouraged to take action. The creative spirit awakens, and ideas begin to pore out. Great leaders can teach their people how to harness this activity. The organization of thoughts followed by the implementation is critical. This is prototyping at work, designing products, tools, and strategies, and putting them into the world. If you’ve watched Shark Tank, you’ve seen the creative spirit in action. I love the process entrepreneurs go through to achieve success. The thousands of hours in development for their moment of success. They embrace the process and do not differentiate Work-Life-Play. Great Leaders lead their people down this path of discovery.
Take Action
Performance through implementation is essential. If the provided material is operational, it can save time and money. Players, employees, and team members must practice what they’ve learned. An awareness of the potential return on investment (ROI) is vital. Leaders need to ask themselves:
- Is what I’m providing actionable?
- Does the material lead to idea generation?
- Does it feed a creative workplace?
- Will my people apply these concepts?
If the potential ROI is high, suggesting such material is critical to developing team members. If the ROI is low, do not suggest it and continue searching for actionable items to provide.
Give Praise to Your Team
Once the team member has the support and resources they need, they enter the prototyping stage, creating actionable products that create value for the team and the public. Encourage your team to bring you ideas. Strive to create an environment where everyone thinks big and innovates. Get excited when someone approaches you with new ideas. Help them bring the concepts to life with energy, supportive ideas, and additional resources. Leaders should verbally reward their people through praise in private and public settings. Meetings are a great place to speak about people who generate ideas. If you choose to implement an idea, speak to the group about who created it and praise them openly.
The Landing
These leadership tools greatly impact development across the board. For more leadership tools, literature, and podcasts, check out the Youniversalife Archive. There is a treasure trove of information that inspires leadership qualities. Remember, leadership is developed with directed intention.
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