Top leaders give influential feedback and inspire greatness. They interact with awareness and notice their team members in action. This form of communication creates an extrinsic motivation for team members. They will be motivated to perform and meet external goals because of the praise received.
When a team member is achieving success and performing at a high level, acknowledge them ASAP. Be specific and tell them:
Job well done! Keep moving forward!
Deposit & Withdraw Leadership System
Leadership is like a bank. The objective is to create abundance for rainy days. To create peace of mind and clarity, we save our money. To create influential culture and buy-in, we must build relationships. People must know you care for them. By genuinely providing value to their lives, you create leadership capital. When issues arise, leaders can make withdraws. Dependent on how much leadership capital exists, people will be excited to take action or unwilling to move.
Leif Babin of Echelon Front first wrote about this concept. He breaks this down into greater detail for you. Leif’s explanation is on point and transfers exceptionally well to any setting. He elaborates on how leaders give influential feedback and inspire performance. Go to the link and read for yourself.
Words that Encourage Team Members to Perform at a High Level
Do not underestimate the power of encouragement. Remind individuals of specific tasks they are performing well. The more detailed the acknowledgment, the better. Say:
Hey, I see you are _________. This is outstanding! Keep doing that!
The feedback needs to be timely. Do not self-sabotage and think the person will not receive the note well. Overcome the Inner Resistance that keeps you from sharing. Steven Pressfield talks about this in great detail in The War of Art. He speaks from the perspective of creation. The concept of Resistance holds true in passing along compliments.
When you deliver words of encouragement, it becomes contagious within the team. The team members begin to pay it forward subconsciously. We all want to walk into a workspace, locker room, or home that builds each other up. Leave little room for hassling others. The bickering & hounding undermines culture and progressively erodes it.
Hassling in the home and locker room creates uneasiness. There’s no sense of calm and always an undercurrent of negative energy. No one can be at peace and find rest in these environments. These places should be places of retreat from the difficulties of the world. They are safe havens that ready the mind, body, and soul for the forces that attack us on the playing field, at work, and in public.
Top Take Aways
- Leadership is like a bank. The objective is to create abundance for rainy days.
- Do not underestimate the power of encouragement.
- Influential feedback needs to be timely.
- When you deliver words of encouragement, it becomes contagious within the team.
- Check out how great leaders create User-Friendly Collaboration Spaces and other leadership tips at
Very useful and inspiring article. These are ideas and tips that can be applied to many fields beyond the ball field. I plan to utilize these tactics with my team as a business owner. They will help instill an atmosphere of positive leadership so my team members feel they are supported and will have the confidence and motivation to grow their craft and succeed.